We want everyone to feel welcome at BASS 2024, and so every effort will be made to ensure the accessibility of the conference.

Adjustments we are making with regards to accessibility include:

  • A quiet room at the main conference venue.
  • Maps of the venues with clearly labelled disabled access, quiet room, and toilets will be available online. If you require a paper copy, please let us know by June 28.
  • The conference program will be available online beforehand, but we can provide you with a printed copy if you let us know by June 28.
  • We do not plan to produce a braille version of our conference timetable, but this will be available on our website (which is constructed to aid screen reading) and we will look into producing a braille physical copy if requested by April 29.
  • The venues will be checked beforehand by members of the team with regard to sensory sensitivities concerning lighting and sound.
  • Hand sanitiser stations will be available at the main desk.
  • Dietary requirements will be catered for all-conference catering. When purchasing your ticket there will be room for you to explain any dietary requirements.
  • For wheelchair accessibility, please inform us by June 28 to ensure smooth arrangements.
  • We are unable to provide signing but are working to ensure all of our venues have hearing loops. Please let us know if you require this by 21 June.
  • A member of the team will be a designated accessibility assistant available throughout the conference as someone you can go to in order to share your concerns and ask for assistance.

If you have any other accessibility requirements or concerns, do not hesitate to email the team at [email protected]

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