CREST Security Review Feedback

We hope you enjoyed reading our free magazine CREST Security Review (CSR). We aim to deliver content that is engaging, cutting-edge and useful in practice.

The future of CSR is in your hands!

We want to hear your thoughts on how impactful CSR has been so far – has the research helped you in your role in some way? Have you learnt something new?

For each issue of CSR that you have read, we want to know if any of these apply:

  • I've acquired new knowledge from this issue of CSR
  • I'm following up on research in this issue of CSR
  • The knowledge I've acquired from this issue of CSR has helped me to do my job

We'd also like to know what topics you like to see covered in future issues of CSR.

To make feedback quick (and anonymous), we have set up an online questionnaire: 

Have more to say?

We'd appreciate your views, especially if you can let us know if CSR has been impactful in some way. Once again, we would be extremely grateful for your honest feedback and thoughtful suggestions, which will help us to continue to improve CSR

Email us your thoughts at [email protected].

Thank you.

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