Funders: Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC)
Funding type: Grant
Total fund: £3,800,000
Closing date: 6 May 2025 4:00pm UK time
Apply for funding to develop and expand UK-wide policy to research (P2R) infrastructure, facilitating direct connections between public and civil servants and research organisations. This infrastructure will enable policymakers to build skills and understanding of research, evidence and data in policy development by engaging in relevant activities in an academic setting.
You must be based at a UK research organisation eligible for ESRC funding.
The maximum full economic cost (FEC) of your project is £3.8 million. ESRC’s maximum contribution will be £3 million. The 42-month project must start by 2 February 2026.
For more details on how to apply and who is eligible click here
What they're looking for
P2R enables direct connections between public and civil servants and research organisations. P2R is part of a wider approach to policy engagement that aims to build trusted relationships between public and civil servants and academic researchers in order to support the creation of effective evidence-informed public policy.
This 42-month Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) investment in a P2R infrastructure will enable policymakers to enhance their transferable skills and understanding of research, evidence and data by engaging in relevant activities in an academic setting. The infrastructure will increase the number and range of opportunities for UK public and civil servants, at all career stages, to engage with the UK research community through various formats, such as professional development, training, immersive workshops, placements, and networking.
Through these P2R opportunities, public and civil servants from central, devolved or regional, and local government, as well as the UK parliaments, will strengthen their skills and awareness in accessing and applying research evidence and insights in policy development.
ESRC expects to make one award under this infrastructure funding opportunity. The investment will bring together UK research organisations, UK public and civil servants, and intermediaries in a wider network to increase their ability to exchange P2R expertise, insights and resources. The Department for Science, Innovation and Technology (DSIT) is a key strategic partner for this funding opportunity.