James Lewis
Dr James Lewis is a Research Fellow in the Handa Centre for the Study of Terrorism and Political Violence (CSTPV) at the University of St Andrews, and an Associate Researcher at CREST.
He was awarded his ESRC-funded PhD in International Relations by Lancaster University in 2021 for a multi-disciplinary study into how secondary schools in England are enacting the Prevent Duty. He also holds an MLitt in Terrorism Studies and an MA(Hons) in International Relations, both awarded by the University of St Andrews.
James’ research focuses on international approaches to preventing and countering violent extremism (P/CVE), with a focus on the UK’s Prevent strategy. He is particularly interested in understanding the relationship between P/CVE policy and practice, and in exploring how P/CVE work is enacted at the local level by different actors, and is currently working on a Campbell systematic review which will examine the effectiveness of case management CVE interventions.