Modelling Online Engagement Patterns To Infer Risk
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Academic Publications
Digital Data and Personality: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Human Perception and Computer Prediction
In recent years, our increasing use of technology has resulted in the production of vast amounts of data. Consequently, many researchers have analyzed digital data in attempt to understand its relationship with individuals’ personalities. Such endeavors have inspired efforts from divergent fields, resulting in widely dispersed findings that are seldom synthesized. In this two-part study, we draw from two distinct areas of personality prediction across psychology and computer science to explore the convergent validity of self-reports with human perception and machine learning algorithms, the identifiability of the Big Five traits, and the predictability of different types of data. In Study 1, five meta-analyses of human perception studies integrating findings from 24,124 individuals rated across 30 independent samples demonstrated moderate convergent validity across all traits (ranging from ρ = 0.38 for Neuroticism, to ρ = 0.57 for Openness). In Study 2, a multilevel meta-analysis of computer prediction studies reporting 534 effect sizes across 42 studies also demonstrated moderate convergent validity (ρ = 0.30). Multivariate analyses of the significant moderators highlighted that X, Facebook, Sina Weibo, videos, and smartphones had a negative impact on the variance identified. Finally, in synthesizing the extant literature, we discuss the measures used to assess personality and the analytical approaches adopted. We identify the strengths and limitations across each field and explain how interdisciplinary methodologies could advance the testing and development of psychological theory.
(From the journal abstract)
Hinds, J., & Joinson, A. N. (2024). Digital data and personality: A systematic review and meta-analysis of human perception and computer prediction.Psychological Bulletin, 150(6), 727–766. https://doi.org/10.1037/bul0000430
Online Signals of Extremist Mobilization
Psychological theories of mobilization tend to focus on explaining people’s motivations for action, rather than mobilization (“activation”) processes. To investigate the online behaviors associated with mobilization, we compared the online communications data of 26 people who subsequently mobilized to right-wing extremist action and 48 people who held similar extremist views but did not mobilize (N = 119,473 social media posts). In a three-part analysis, involving content analysis (Part 1), topic modeling (Part 2), and machine learning (Part 3), we showed that communicating ideological or hateful content was not related to mobilization, but rather mobilization was positively related to talking about violent action, operational planning, and logistics. Our findings imply that to explain mobilization to extremist action, rather than the motivations for action, theories of collective action should extend beyond how individuals express grievances and anger, to how they equip themselves with the “know-how” and capability to act.
(From the journal abstract)
Brown, O., Smith, L. G. E., Davidson, B. I., Racek, D., & Joinson, A. (2024). Online Signals of Extremist Mobilization. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 0(0). https://doi.org/10.1177/01461672241266866
How opposing ideological groups use online interactions to justify and mobilise collective action
The purpose of this pre-registered study was to investigate how different ideological groups justified and mobilised collective action online. We collected 6878 posts from the social media accounts of pro-Black Lives Matter (n = 13) and anti-Black Lives Matter (n = 9) groups who promoted collective action in the month after George Floyd's murder and the Black Lives Matter (BLM) protests and counter-protests. We used content analysis and natural language processing (NLP) to analyse the content and psychological function of the posts. We found that both groups perceived their action as ‘system-challenging’, with pro-BLM accounts focused more on outgroup actions to mobilise collective action, and anti-BLM accounts focused more on ingroup identity. The reverse pattern occurred when the accounts were attempting to justify action. The implications are that groups’ ideology and socio-structural position should be accounted for when understanding differences in how and why groups mobilise through online interactions.
(From the journal abstract)
Brown, O., Lowery, C., & Smith, L. G. E. (2022) How opposing ideological groups use online interactions to justify and mobilise collective action. European Journal of Social Psychology, 00, 1– 29. https://doi.org/10.1002/ejsp.2886
Digital traces of offline mobilization
Since 2009, there has been an increase in global protests and related online activity. Yet, it is unclear how and why online activity is related to the mobilization of offline collective action. One proposition is that online polarization (or a relative change in intensity of posting mobilizing content around a salient grievance) can mobilize people offline. The identity-norm nexus and normative alignment models of collective action further argue that to be mobilizing, these posts need to be socially validated. To test these propositions, across two analyses, we used digital traces of online behavior and data science techniques to model people’s online and offline behavior around a mass protest. In Study 1a, we used Twitter behavior posted on the day of the protest by attendees or nonattendees (759 users; 7,592 tweets) to train and test a classifier that predicted, with 80% accuracy, who participated in offline collective action. Attendees used their mobile devices to plan logistics and broadcast their presence at the protest. In Study 1b, using the longitudinal Twitter data and metadata of a subset of users from Study 1a (209 users; 277,556 tweets), we found that participation in the protest was not associated with an individual’s online polarization over the year prior to the protest, but it was positively associated with the validation (“likes”) they received on their relevant posts. These two studies demonstrate that rather than being low cost or trivial, socially validated online interactions about a grievance are actually key to the mobilization and enactment of collective action.
(From the journal abstract)
Smith, L. G. E., Piwek, L., Hinds, J., Brown, O., & Joinson, A. (2023). Digital traces of offline mobilization. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 125(3), 496–518. https://doi.org/10.1037/pspa0000338
Integrating Insights About Human Movement Patterns from Digital Data into Psychological Sciences
Understanding people’s movement patterns has many important applications, from analyzing habits and social behaviors, to predicting the spread of disease. Information regarding these movements and their locations is now deeply embedded in digital data generated via smartphones, wearable sensors, and social-media interactions. Research has largely used data-driven modeling to detect patterns in people’s movements, but such approaches are often devoid of psychological theory and fail to capitalize on what movement data can convey about associated thoughts, feelings, attitudes, and behavior. This article outlines trends in current research in this area and discusses how psychologists can better address theoretical and methodological challenges in future work while capitalizing on the opportunities that digital movement data present. We argue that combining approaches from psychology and data science will improve researchers’ and policy makers’ abilities to make predictions about individuals’ or groups’ movement patterns. At the same time, an interdisciplinary research agenda will provide greater capacity to advance psychological theory.
(From the journal abstract)
Hinds, J., Brown, O., Smith, L. G. E., Piwek, L., Ellis, D. A., & Joinson, A. N. (2022). Integrating Insights About Human Movement Patterns From Digital Data Into Psychological Science. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 31(1), 88-95. https://doi.org/10.1177/09637214211042324
Online risk signals of offline terrorist offending
There has been a rise in the number of terrorist incidents in which social media use has been implicated in the planning and execution of the attack. Efforts to identify online risk signals of terrorist offending is challenging due to the existence of the specificity problem– that while many people express ideologically and hateful views, very few go on to commit terrorist acts. Here, we demonstrate that risk signals of terrorist offending can be identified in a sample of 119,473 online posts authored by 26 convicted right-wing extremists and 48 right-wing extremists who did not have convictions. Combining qualitative analysis with computational modelling, we show that it is not ideological or hateful content that indicates the risk of an offence, but rather content about violent action, operational planning, and logistics. Our findings have important implications for theories of mobilization and radicalization.
(From the journal abstract)
Brown, O., Smith, L. G. E., Davidson, B. I., Racek, D., & Joinson, A. (2023) Online risk signals of offline terrorist offending. PsyArXiv https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/hej3r