The following 7-minute animation is useful as a starting point for leaders who are implementing organisational change and should be used as part of a larger impact assessment on organisational change.
Leaders are encouraged to adapt our CWB materials for their own particular requirements.
This animation was developed out of findings from a CREST-funded project, undertaken by Professor Rosalind Searle (University of Glasgow) and Dr Charis Rice (Coventry University) as well as previous research with other colleagues: Professor Antoinette Weibel, St Gallen University (Switzerland), Professor Ann-Marie Nienaber, Coventry University and Professor Deanne Den Hartog, University of Amsterdam (Netherlands). It was produced with financial assistance from CREST and a grant for from the ESRC for their Festival of Social Science. The animation was by Becky Stevens and the voiceover and additional production by Dr Matthew Francis (both from CREST).
Copyright Information
As part of CREST’s commitment to open access research, this text is available under a Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 4.0 licence. Please refer to our Copyright page for full details.
IMAGE CREDITS: Copyright ©2024 R. Stevens / CREST (CC BY-SA 4.0)